Argo is an open-source workflow engine built for Kubernetes with integrated functionalities of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). The source code can be accessed openly at
Next, create a bucket named argo-bucket (You can use kubectl port-forward service/argo-artifacts-minio :9000 to reach the Minio UI for operation):
# download mc client
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/mc
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mc
# create argo-bucket
EXTERNAL_IP=$(kubectl -n argo get service argo-artifacts-minio -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
mc config host add argo-artifacts-minio-local http://$EXTERNAL_IP:9000 $ACCESS_KEY $ACCESS_SECRET_KEY --api=s3v4
mc mb argo-artifacts-minio-local/argo-bucket
Then, modify the Argo workflow controller to use Minio:
$ kubectl -n argo create secret generic argo-artifacts-minio --from-literal=accesskey=$ACCESS_KEY --from-literal=secretkey=$ACCESS_SECRET_KEY
$ kubectl edit configmap workflow-controller-configmap -n argo
executorImage: argoproj/argoexec:v2.0.0
bucket: argo-bucket
endpoint: argo-artifacts-minio.argo:9000
insecure: true
# accessKeySecret and secretKeySecret are secret selectors.
# It references the k8s secret named 'argo-artifacts-minio'
# which was created during the minio helm install. The keys,
# 'accesskey' and 'secretkey', inside that secret are where the
# actual minio credentials are stored.
name: argo-artifacts-minio
key: accesskey
name: argo-artifacts-minio
key: secretkey
Installing Using Helm
Please note: The current Helm Charts use an outdated version of Minio and the deployment might fail.