The simplest way to create a Kubernetes cluster (single machine version) is by using minikube. If you are operating in China's network environment, you can also consider utilizing AllInOne deployment from kubeasz.
Minikube supports configuration using the CNI (Container Network Interface) plugins, which enables an easy access to a variety of community-provided network plugins, like calico which also supports Network Policy.
Minikube/localkube only offers the formal release versions.
However, if you're looking to deploy a master or developer version, you can start a local cluster using hack/
cd $GOPATH/src/
Then, open another terminal to configure kubectl:
cd $GOPATH/src/
Use kind to operate a Kubernetes cluster via Docker containers:
$ ensure that Kubernetes is cloned in $(go env GOPATH)/src/ build a node image$kindbuildnode-image# create a cluster with kind build node-image$kindcreatecluster--imagekindest/node:latest