Kubernetes presents keepalived as a tool to create a Virtual IP address (VIP).
In this discussion, we will unravel how to effectively use IPVS - The Linux Virtual Server Project to configure a VIP for Kubernetes.
The v1.6 version of Kubernetes provides three modes to expose a Service:
L4 LoadBalancer : This can only be utilized on cloud providers like GCE or AWS.
NodePort : NodePort allows the opening of a port on each node. This port then routes the request to a randomly selected pod.
L7 Ingress : Ingress serves as a LoadBalancer (for instance, nginx, HAProxy, traefik, vulcand) which directs HTTP/HTTPS requests to the corresponding service endpoint.
So if we've got all these ways, why do we need keepalived?
Let's suppose that the Ingress operates on 3 Kubernetes nodes, exposing the 10.4.0.x
IP for load balancing purposes.
If the DNS Round Robin (RR) cycles the requests corresponding to
to these 3 nodes and
crashes, a third of the traffic will still be directed towards
. This causes a downtime, until the DNS identifies the failure and corrects the direction.
Strictly speaking, this doesn't truly offer High Availability (HA).
Here, IPVS comes to our rescue by associating each service with a VIP and exposing the VIP outside the Kubernetes cluster.
The difference with service-loadbalancer and ingress-nginx
Looking at the diagram below,
Only one node (selected by VRRP) is chosen as the Master, and the VIP is
. If
fails, another node from the remaining ones becomes Master and takes on the VIP, ensuring the true implementation of HA.
Environment Requirements
All that's needed is to ensure that the Kubernetes cluster running keepalived-vip has a normal DaemonSets feature.
As Kubernetes introduced the concept of RBAC post version 1.6, we first need to set the rule. For detailed information regarding RBAC, please refer to the guide.
Firstly, create a simple service.
The primary task is to get the pod to listen to port 80, then open the service NodePort monitoring 30320.
Next, we focus on the config map.
Do make a note,
must be replaced with an unused IP from your own network segment, e.g., 10.87.2.X. nginx
is the service name, and this can be changed accordingly.
Following the confirmation,
The next step is to set up keepalived-vip.
Establish the daemonset
Check the configuration status
You can randomly select a pod to inspect its configuration
Finally, test the feature (our hypothetical VIP, as no node actually uses this IP) can now help us direct this service.
All the codes mentioned above can be found here.
Reference Documents