Cloud Provider

When running within a cloud platform, Kubernetes is supercharged by a Cloud Provider, harnessing in-built features of the platform such as persistent volume, load balancing, networking, DNS resolution, and auto-scaling.

Meet the Regulars

Kubernetes comes pre-installed with a trove of Cloud Providers. Frequent flyers include:

  • GCE

  • AWS

  • Azure

  • Mesos

  • OpenStack

  • CloudStack

  • Ovirt

  • Photon

  • Rackspace

  • Vsphere

A Peek Under the hood – How do Cloud Providers Work?

  • For apiserver, kubelet, and controller-manager, cloud provider options are set.

  • The Kubelet:

    • Connects with the Cloud Provider interface to retrieve the node name.

    • Informs the API Server about the InstanceID, ProviderID, ExternalID and Zone during Node registration.

    • Frequently checks if new IP addresses have been added to the Node.

    • Sets unschedulable conditions until cloud service provider completes routing configuration.

  • The kube-apiserver:

    • Distributes SSH keys to all nodes for SSH tunnel creation.

    • The PersistentVolumeLabel takes care of PV labels.

    • The PersistentVolumeClainResize dynamically expands PV size.

  • The kube-controller-manager:

    • Node controller checks the status of the VM where the Node resides. If the VM is deleted, it automatically removes the corresponding Node from the API Server.

    • Volume controller interacts directly with the cloud provider to create or delete persistent storage volumes, and mounts or unmounts them onto the specified VM as needed.

    • Route controller configures cloud routes for all registered Nodes.

    • Service controller creates load balancer for services of LoadBalancer type and updates the service's external IP.

Standalone Cloud Provider: How Does It Work and Track Progress?

Follow the principle and progress tracking guidelines to understand:

  • Kubelet must be configured with --cloud-provider=external, and neither kube-apiserver nor kube-controller-manager should have the cloud provider configured.

  • The kube-apiserver admission control options must not include PersistentVolumeLabel.

  • The cloud-controller-manager works independently and activates InitializerConifguration.

  • Kubelet can configure ExternalID through the provider-id option. After starting, it will automatically add a taint to Node as

  • Cloud-controller-manager will reinitialize Node configuration after receiving Node registration event, add information such as zone or type, and remove the taint automatically created by Kubelet in the previous step.

  • Merging the cloud-related logic of kube-apiserver and kube-controller-manager is the primary task.

    • View steps for the Node, Volume, Route and Service controllers above.

    • The PersistentVolumeLabel admission controller takes care of PV labels.

    • The PersistentVolumeClainResize admission controller dynamically expands PV size.

Developing Your Own Cloud Provider Extension

The current Kubernetes Cloud Provider is under restructuring:

  • v1.6 added the standalone cloud-controller-manager service, enabling cloud providers to build their own cloud-controller-manager without having to touch Kubernetes' core code.

  • v1.7-v1.10 further separated cloud-controller-manager from Controller Manager, and Cloud Controller's logic was decoupled.

  • v1.11 saw the External Cloud Provider upgrade to Beta.

Creating a new Cloud Provider for a new cloud supplier entails:

  • Writing a cloud provider code that implements cloudprovider.Interface.

  • Linking the cloud provider to cloud-controller-manager.

    • Import the new cloud provider into cloud-controller-manager: import "pkg/new-cloud-provider".

    • Pass the name of the new cloud provider at initialization, such as cloudprovider.InitCloudProvider("rancher", s.CloudConfigFile).

  • Configuring the kube-controller-manager by --cloud-provider=external.

  • Starting the cloud-controller-manager.

Further guidance and detailed implementation can be found at rancher-cloud-controller-manager and cloud-controller-manager.
