# Update your backup storage location to read-only mode kubectlpatchbackupstoragelocation<STORAGELOCATIONNAME> \--namespacevelero \--typemerge \--patch'{"spec":{"accessMode":"ReadOnly"}}'# Create a restore with your most recent Velero Backupvelerorestorecreate--from-backup<SCHEDULENAME>-<TIMESTAMP># When ready, revert your backup storage location to read-write modekubectlpatchbackupstoragelocation<STORAGELOCATIONNAME> \--namespacevelero \--typemerge \--patch'{"spec":{"accessMode":"ReadWrite"}}'
First, create a backup in cluster 1 (the default TTL is 30 days; you can modify it using --ttl):
Next, configure BackupStorageLocations and VolumeSnapshotLocations for cluster 2 to point to the same backup and snapshot paths as cluster 1 and make sure BackupStorageLocations are read-only (--access-mode=ReadOnly). Then wait a moment (the default sync time is 1 minute), until the Backup object is successfully created.
# The default sync interval is 1 minute, so make sure to wait before checking.# You can configure this interval with the --backup-sync-period flag to the Velero server.velerobackupdescribe<BACKUP-NAME>