API Extension

The infrastructure of Kubernetes is highly flexible, offering a series of extension mechanisms ranging from API, authentication authorization, admission control, networking, storage, runtime to cloud platform [20]. These features enable users to conveniently boost the functionality of their clusters without causing any infringement.

From the perspective of API, Kubernetes API can be expanded through methods such as Aggregation and CustomResourceDefinition (CRD).

  • API Aggregation allows the integration of third-party services into the Kubernetes API without having to modify the core code of Kubernetes. In this way, external services can also be accessed via the Kubernetes API.

  • CustomResourceDefinition allows the addition of new resource objects to the cluster and enables their management in the same way as existing resource objects (like Pod, Deployment etc.)

CRD is more user-friendly in comparison to Aggregation, as illustrated in the table below:

Aggregated API

Resource management through CRD requires no programming

Building of Aggregated APIserver requires Go

No extra services needed, though typically a CRD controller is necessary for synchronizing and managing these resources

Requires separate third-party service

All defects are addressed in the core of Kubernetes

Regular synchronizing from the Kubernetes community and rebuilding of Aggregated APIserver may be necessary to fix defects

No additional version management necessary

Requires third-party service for version management

More comparison of features

Aggregated API


Helps users avoid errors and evolve your API independently of your clients. Extremely useful when many clients are unable to update simultaneously.

Yes, arbitrary validation checks


See above

Yes, via a Mutating Webhook; Planned, via CRD OpenAPI schema.



Allows the same object to be served through two API versions. Helpful in managing API changes like renaming fields. Less pertinent if you have control over your client versions.

No, but planned


Custom Storage

Useful when you need storage with a different performance mode (e.g., time-series database instead of a key-value store) or isolation for secure reasons (e.g., encryption secrets or different



Custom Business Logic

Allows arbitrary checks or actions when creating, reading, updating or deleting an object

Yes, using Webhooks.


Scale Subresource

Lets systems like HorizontalPodAutoscaler and PodDisruptionBudget interact with your new resource


Status Subresource

Provides finer-grained access control: users write spec section, controller writes status section. Enables incrementing object Generation on custom resource data mutation (requires separate spec and status sections in the resource)


Other Subresources

Adds operations other than CRUD, such as “logs” or “exec”.




No, but similar functionality planned


Protocol Buffers

The new resource supports clients that prefer using Protocol Buffers



OpenAPI Schema

Is there an OpenAPI (swagger) schema for the types that can be dynamically fetched from the server? Can the user avoid misspelling field names by ensuring only allowed fields are set? Are types enforced (For instance, do not place an int in a string field?)

No, but planned


Methods of Application

Please, refer to the detailed steps in:
