
Starting from v1.8, metrics pertaining to resource usage (such as CPU and memory utilization for containers) can now be accessed through the Metrics API. It’s key to note:

  • The Metrics API is solely for fetching current metrics data and doesn't retain historical data.

  • The Metrics API URI starts with /apis/, and is maintained on

  • Deployment of the metrics-server is a prerequisite for utilizing this API, as it retrieves data by calling the Kubelet Summary API.

Kubernetes Monitoring Architecture

The Kubernetes Monitoring Architecture is composed of two segments:

  • Core Metrics Pipeline (illustrated in black in the diagram below): These are crucial metrics fundamental to the functioning of Kubernetes, sourced from the Kubelet, cAdvisor, and others, and provided by the metrics-server for the Dashboard, HPA controller, and the like.

  • Monitoring Pipeline (illustrated in blue in the diagram below): This pipeline is built atop the core metrics, e.g., Prometheus can collect core metrics from the metrics-server, and other non-core metrics from different sources (such as Node Exporter), to then construct a monitoring and alerting system.

Enabling API Aggregation

Prior to deploying the metrics-server, API Aggregation must be enabled in the kube-apiserver by adding the following configuration:


If kube-proxy is not running on the Master, you would also need to configure:


Deploying metrics-server

$ git clone
$ cd metrics-server
$ kubectl create -f deploy/1.8+/

Subsequently, the metrics-server should be operational:

kubectl -n kube-system get pods -l k8s-app=metrics-server

Metrics API

The Metrics API can be accessed via kubectl proxy:





These APIs can also be directly accessed through kubectl commands, for example:

  • kubectl get --raw /apis/

  • kubectl get --raw /apis/

  • kubectl get --raw /apis/<node-name>

  • kubectl get --raw /apis/<namespace-name>/pods/<pod-name>


If the metrics-server Pod fails to start properly, such as being in a CrashLoopBackOff state with an ever-increasing restartCount, it's likely experiencing communication issues with the kube-apiserver. Checking the logs of the Pod could reveal:

dial tcp i/o timeout

A possible solution is:

echo "ExecStartPost=/sbin/iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT" >> /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/exec_start.conf
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker

